Versaperm Vapour Permeability measurement


Shelf-life boost for fruit and vegetables
with plant respiration meter

    Respiration of plants fruit and vegetables measurements


You can easily boost the shelf life of fruits and vegetables simply by choosing transit and display packaging that matches their respiration rates with their packaging's oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethelyne, and water vapour permeabilities.  Getting it wrong by using the wrong packaging will slash shelf life but a close match leads to a very significant boost to freshness, shelf-life, quality and taste. 

Versaperm has designed and manufactured its plant respiration system specifically for this.  It allows the user to measure the precise rates of CO2, O2 and water vapour production under a range of temperatures, and even under simulated day/night cycles. It provides real-time measurements for loose fruit and vegetables and can a measure them when they are inside their packaging! – including when they are in a chilled cabinet.

Every type of fruit and vegetable requires different sets of these vital measurements and the system has been designed to meet this demand.

The Versaperm meter allows companies to use optimised packaging, improve quality and extend shelf life.nt ethylene, at temperatures between -20oC and +65oC.

The system has a highly automated computerised control and, as well as the instrument, Versaperm offers a consultancy and measurement service for both respiration rates and vapour / gas permeability testing.


Please send any sales enquiries to
Versaperm Ltd: 10 Rawcliffe House, Howarth Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1AP, UK,
e.mail: Web:
UK Tel: +44 (01628) 777668
USA Tel +1 (617) 855-7477

For Further Press Information please contact:
Gerry Palmer @ the Palmer & Rose Partnership
Tel +44 (0) 1494 637499